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Archive for the ‘Teaching heart’ Category

Teachers are people like you.

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Hello everybody,

As you can see, in the rest of the post I have made before everything has been related to education, technology, and useful websites for teachers and students too, so, the other day I was thinking what can I post for this week? And  later, came to my mind to post something according to the reality each of us are living in our daily teaching practices, like: How many things we learn every single day? How many smiles your students get from you and vice versa, etc. There are many things that we as Teachers live every day.

For this reason, I love this profession, because Teachers never stop learning, I know there are other different professions in which you can learn and get great experiences, personally, I had worked cooking in a Restaurant, as secretary, as an auxiliary and to be honest I learned many, many things good and bad but  when I begun working as an English Teacher I realized you can learn even more, because we work with people and that is why, Teachers  learn from everybody no matter what level they are teaching at the end they learn.

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Many people said that to be a Teacher is one of the easy ways to get money, to pass the time,  to treat people or educate people but, some others said that Teachers specially, English Teachers are the ones who everyday make noise in their classroom, the ones who seems parrots, etc.

But, if these people someday have the opportunity to experiment, to see, to feel and to understand what means and how do you feel being a “Teacher” or an “English Teacher”  I am sure they will answer something completely different.

What comes to your mind when you hear these words?:   “Heart of a teacher”

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I want to share with all of you this beautiful video, it is about everything which involves to be a Teacher, I am sure you will remember a lot of things you have passed through your teaching’s practices, I loved this video.

And after cried… I want to invite you guys to watch this other video is about a famous cartoon called Goofy. Now is time to have something funny to share, why not?

I hope you enjoyed, have a nice day.

I will see you!!!